Romans 11:33-36

Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways! “For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been his counselor? Or who has given a gift to him that he might be repaid?” For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Daily Truth

Today's time being shaped by the word is in John 3:31-36.
Heavenly Father,
Remind me always of the difference between what people say and what Your Son says (31). Help me submit wholly to His Words (32). Help me to speak Your Word by the Spirit (34). Thank You for enabling me to believe in Your Son and have life instead of the wrath I deserve (36). 

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Monday, June 24, 2013

Daily Truth

Today's time shaped by the Word is in John 3:22-30. 
Help me spend time with those you have given me to disciple (22). Show me my calling in Your kingdom and keep me from becoming envious if another is more visibly fruitful since each receives his or her kingdom job description from You (26-27). In all I do today, let me faithfully and humbly announce Christ's coming and find my greatest joy in His exaltation (29-30). 

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Friday, June 21, 2013

Daily Truth

Today's time being shaped by the Word is in John 3:1-
Thank You for giving me spiritual birth so that I could and would believe in Jesus' gift of righteousness (3-8,15). Continue to draw me away from my tendency to rely on a rules-based righteousness like a Pharisee (1). Give me boldness to be seen as Your follower (2). Let me see the evidence today of Your Spirit's presence in me (8). Thank You that Jesus was lifted up so I could have life eternal (15). Strip me of any love of darkness (19-20). Accomplish Your works of light in me today (21). 

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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Daily Truth

Today's time being shaped by God's Truth is in John 2:13-25
Heavenly Father,
Your people are Your Temple (Eph. 2:21-22). Help me keep Your church from being religious just for personal gain or good feelings (John 2:13-16). Give me YOUR zeal for the holiness of Your church (17) based on the authority of the resurrected Christ (19). Open my eyes to understand what You say in Your Word and by it, increase my belief (19-22). You don't need anyone to tell You the sinfulness that is in me (25). Graciously save me today from the old, sinful me. 

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Monday, June 17, 2013

Daily Truth

Today's time being transformed to be like Christ is in John 2:1-12.
Don't let me forget that You have the power that can change water into wine, so change me today. As You transform me powerfully today by Your Spirit-applied Word, may it be a blessing to others, may it display Your glorious power, and may it lead many to believe in You (10-11). 

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Saturday, June 15, 2013

Daily Truth

Today's time being changed by the Word is in John 1:43-51. 
You have called me to follow Jesus. Let me be as quick to follow as Phillip was and to follow Jesus specifically by telling others to follow Jesus (43-45). If I doubt Your truth today, open my eyes to who You really are (46-49). Thank You for knowing me before I ever came to You, and You still loved me and want me (48). Open my eyes to the greatness of Your Son today (50-51). 

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Daily Truth

Today's time being changed by the Word is in John 1:43-51. 
You have called me to follow Jesus. Let me be as quick to follow as Phillip was and to follow Jesus specifically by telling others to follow Jesus (43-45). If I doubt Your truth today, open my eyes to who You really are (46-49). Thank You for knowing me before I ever came to You, and You still loved me and want me (48). Open my eyes to the greatness of Your Son today (50-51). 

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You’re smarter than me. I need your help! (See—even my grammar isn’t correct.)

One of the things I do with pastors and church planters is help them develop a clear, easily communicated vision for their ministry.  I firmly believe that all churches share the same purpose—to be a body of people who love God and will enjoy Him forever.  I also believe that all churches share the same mission—make disciples of Christ amongst our neighbors and the nations.

But vision is different.  Vision is an articulation of the unique burden God has placed on a particular pastor in a particular local church.  Whether you see it as a statement of the church’s preferred future, or an aspirational statement or your idealized view of the world—a clearly articulated vision is what will rally a church to accomplish its mission and focus on the things that it will take to get there.  In other words, it gets everybody pulling on the same rope in the same direction.

The tug-of-war picture is apt, because it illustrates the need for both a clear mission and a clear vision.  But when you think about the last time you played tug-of-war, one thing was also very clear.  In any game of tug-of-war, a win is clearly defined.  In summer camps all across the country, kids are winning (and losing) tug-of-war games.  How do they know? Because one team is really happy and the other team is really muddy. 

Wouldn’t it be nice if it was that easy to define the win in our churches?  Now, don’t get all pious and tell me it’s not spiritual to measure things like that.  All churches do it: 

“How many were you running last Sunday?”
“Attendance has been down, but giving has been holding steady.”
“We started two new Sunday School classes last year.”
“How many kids did you have in VBS?”

We are habitual measurers.  But do those numbers really define the win? Do they really tell us if (and how well) we are making disciples? Do they really tell us anything about how well we are moving toward our vision?  They don’t.

That’s where I need smart people like you to help me out. How do you think we need to define the win in our local churches? Or, to be more specific, how should you define the win in your local church?  Remember it has to be something measurable and tangible that we can get our arms wrapped around.  Otherwise, we really have no idea whether we’re moving in the direction of our vision and accomplishing our mission.  It needs to be something that we can look to at the end of the year and say, “Yes, we did what we were supposed to do this year,” or, “Here is where we need to improve next year.”  So that’s the question: How can a local church see how well it is making disciples?  How can it be measured?  In other words, how do you define the win?

(Comments are moderated, but I will get them posted as soon as possible.)

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Thursday, June 13, 2013

Daily Truth

Today's time being shaped by the Word is in John 1:35-42. 
Thank You for not allowing me to miss it when The Spirit opened my eyes to see Jesus as the Lamb of God (36). Enable me to follow Him today without hesitation (37). When asked what I want from Jesus, let my answer always be "just to be with You wherever You are (38-39). Use me today to bring someone I know to Jesus, to believe that He is the only Savior chosen by You (40-42). Thank You for the new name of "Christian" that You gave me by grace (42). 

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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Daily Truth

Today's Bible reading is in John 1:19-28. 
When I am tempted to want life to be about who I am and what I have accomplished, remind me that I exist to make Christ known (22-23). Instead of proclaiming my worth, let me be concerned to proclaim Christ's worth (27). Thank You that Jesus, as the Lamb, took the death I deserved (29) and drowned me in His Spirit (33). Help me speak today about all that You teach and show me about Your Son, Jesus (34). 

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What Have You Been Missing?

After a not-so-brief hiatus, things have been busy over at my book review site, Ex Libris. Here is a rundown of the most recent reviews:

Real-Life Discipleship: Building Churches That Make Disciples, by Jim Putman

Deep & Wide, by Andy Stanley

Making the Most of the Bible, by John Chapman

The Beauty and Glory of the Holy Spirit, edited by Joel R. Beeke and Joseph A. Pipa, Jr.

The Catalyst Leader: 8 Essentials for Becoming a Change Maker, by Brad Lomenick

In Pursuit of Great and Godly Leadership, by Mike Bonem

Christ's Prophetic Plans: A Futuristic Premillennial Primer, edited by John MacArthur and Richard Mahue

One-to-One Bible Reading, by David Helm

Keep checking back at Ex Libris for the latest book reviews. Next up:

Saving Eutychus, by Gary Millar and Phil Campbell
Preaching in the Holy Spirit, by Albert N. Martin
Finding a Vision for Your Church: Assembly Required, by Michael A. Milton

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Saturday, June 8, 2013

Daily Truth

Today we start the gospel of John (1:1-18).
Thank You for Jesus by whom I know You (1,18). Thank You for creating me and shining Jesus' light in my eyes and putting His life in me (3-9). My ability and desire to accept Jesus came from You, not me (13). Use me to tell others today about the true Light (7). I pray for: (names of lost folks you know) to see Jesus' greatness, to accept His truth, and not to resist Your call to become Your child (12,14). 

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Thursday, June 6, 2013

Daily Truth

Today's time being changed by the Word is in 1 Thess. 5:23-28. 
God of peace,
Don't stop working on me until I am completely holy for when Jesus comes to take me home (23). Thank You that You accomplish in me the holiness to which You called me (24). Help me pray more for my brothers and sisters in Christ (25). Give me closeness with Your people (26). Give me a hunger to read Your Word and  to get others to feed on it (27). May all my unholy thoughts and actions today remind me of how much I continue to need your grace (28). Thank You for it. 

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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Daily Truth

Today's reminder of the sweetness of grace is in 1 Thess. 5:16-22.
I don't rejoice always (16). I don't pray constantly (17). I am not thankful in every situation, which is what you want me to be (18). I do ignore the leading of the Spirit and Your truth (19-20). I don't test everything by Your Word (22). I let loose of holiness and cling to evil (22). But still You see me as holy because of Jesus' sacrifice for me. thank You for Your undeserved kindness. Please purify me from these sinful ways today and help me walk worthy of Your grace. 

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Monday, June 3, 2013

Daily truth

Today's time in the Word is in 1 Thessalonians 5:12-15. 
Help me follow and accept loving correction from those who labor for You among Your people (12-13). Establish Your peace among Your people and display it to the world (13). Let me not be lazy in what I know You have called me to be and do today. Use me to comfort and strengthen someone in You today with all patience (14). Help me bless others who hurt me today, being used to strengthen the unity of Your family (15).

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