Songs are powerful. Even after not hearing a song for years,
it doesn’t take much to trigger a tune and lyrics in my brain. Such was the
case today. All day, I haven’t been able to get the old David Bowie song,
Changes, out of my mind. Of course, by telling you this, I am inadvertently
confessing to either bad taste in music or a misspent youth—or both.
Changes are a fact of life in this fallen world.
Sanctification requires continual growth and change until the time we reach
complete Christ-likeness in our glorification. Until then, the only thing we
have that never changes is God’s Word. With the assurance of an immutable God
who has given us His unchangeable Word, we can welcome change in every other
area of life—even embrace it.
Having said that, I need to let you know about a significant change that’s taking place in my life and ministry. Parkview Baptist Church in Bluefield, VA, has extended a call for me to become their pastor. After much prayer and wise, godly counsel from some close friends, I am confident the Lord has led me to accept Parkview’s call. I will start my service there on August 1st, ending my time as your Church Planting Catalyst.
I am a firm believer that, as long as we don’t disqualify
ourselves, the Lord’s calling on our lives never changes. We are called to His
Gospel ministry. However, He is free to change the direction of our calling
anytime He chooses. He changed the direction of my calling when He led me to
become your CPC. He is once again changing the direction of my calling to
become the Pastor of Parkview Baptist Church.
I am thankful for the time I have spent as your NAMB/WVCSB Church
Planting Catalyst Missionary. It has been and will continue to be a valuable
ministry. It has been my pleasure to serve the Lord by coming alongside WVCSB
churches as they seek to fulfill the Great Commission by planting churches in
our great state. We have learned and grown and worked hard to develop lasting
relationships. The Lord has blessed and
is blessing by raising up some amazing men who are planting churches that are
making significant Kingdom impact on Wild and Wonderful West Virginia.
I am excited for the future direction of the WVCSB and am
confident the Lord will raise up a man who will take the Eastern Region CPC
position far beyond where my limited gifting could. The West Virginia
Convention of Southern Baptists’ greatest days are in the windshield, not the
rear-view mirror.
By His Grace and For His Glory…. #PlantWV