Paul says to let this be your work: to give thanks in your prayers for the seen and the unseen benefits and for God's goodness to the willing and the unwilling.
I know a certain holy man who prayed this way: "We thank You for all the goodness You have shown us from the first day until now even when we are so unworthy. We thank You for what we know You have done and what we don't know, for gifts seen and unseen, for gifts of word and action, whether we have received them willingly or not—for all these things that have been given to us, the unworthy. We give thanks for tribulations and refreshments, for hell, for punishment, and the kingdom of heaven. We beg of You to keep our souls holy, and our consciences pure, worthy of Your lovingkindness. You who gave the Only-begotten for us and sent Your Holy Spirit to wipe out our sins, if we have willfully or unwillingly disobeyed You, forgive us. Don't attribute our sins to us. Remember everyone who called on Your name in truth. Remember everyone who wishes us well, or the contrary, for we are all human."
He prayed this because God gives us many benefits even against our will and maybe even without our knowing it. When we pray for one thing and He does the reverse, it is plain that He is doing good even when we don't know it.
Readings taken from Day by Day with the Early Church Fathers
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