5 Reasons Jesus Had To Come:
Reason #2 Our Perfect High Priest
(Parents: You will need a flashlight and some toys)
Turn out the lights in the room (but its okay to leave the Christmas Tree lights on)
(Take the flashlight and shine it against a wall. Without letting the children see, place one of the toys in the light beam so that its shadow is upon the wall.) Have the kids guess what toy the shadow belongs to. Continue to do this with several toys.
After they have guessed all the shadows, ask them which they would rather have under the Christmas tree this year, some real toys or just shadows. (And of course they want real toys).
Remind the children that mankind had sinned against God and this had brought about a great separation between God and man. But in the Old Testament, God gave a shadow of how His grace would one day give us true forgiveness and let us live with Him forever and ever.
Read Hebrews 7:24-26
Explain what a High Priest did for the people (offered the sacrifice that would forgive his sins and the sins of the people)
As we can see here in these verses, Jesus came to be a much better High Priest. He is the perfect High Priest.
He lives forever ---- He saves completely ---- He is holy, blameless, and pure.
But what does this have to do with shadows?
Read Hebrews 8:1-6
Did you hear in verse 5 about shadows. What God gave to Moses was just a shadow of the reality in heaven. True forgiveness of sins could only take place by a perfect High Priest in the reality of heaven.
Jesus left heaven to come and as our High Priest offer the only true sacrifice that would forgive sins, Himself. He then arose from the dead and now works for us in the heaven. Jesus brought to us reality and so shadows must pass away.
Tell you children to imagine that they are lost in a large supermarket. They don’t know where mom and dad are. Fear sets in and they start to scream for help. They need someone to find them to save them. They look to the end of the isle and there is a shadow of Mom pushing the shopping buggy.
Ask them how they would feel at this point.
But won’t you feel so much better when you see the reality.
This Christmas, thank Jesus for bringing to us the reality of forgiveness and salvation. Now because of His sacrifice for us, we can live forever with each other and with God.
(End with prayer)
(Parents: You will need a flashlight and some toys)
Turn out the lights in the room (but its okay to leave the Christmas Tree lights on)
(Take the flashlight and shine it against a wall. Without letting the children see, place one of the toys in the light beam so that its shadow is upon the wall.) Have the kids guess what toy the shadow belongs to. Continue to do this with several toys.
After they have guessed all the shadows, ask them which they would rather have under the Christmas tree this year, some real toys or just shadows. (And of course they want real toys).
Remind the children that mankind had sinned against God and this had brought about a great separation between God and man. But in the Old Testament, God gave a shadow of how His grace would one day give us true forgiveness and let us live with Him forever and ever.
Read Hebrews 7:24-26
Explain what a High Priest did for the people (offered the sacrifice that would forgive his sins and the sins of the people)
As we can see here in these verses, Jesus came to be a much better High Priest. He is the perfect High Priest.
He lives forever ---- He saves completely ---- He is holy, blameless, and pure.
But what does this have to do with shadows?
Read Hebrews 8:1-6
Did you hear in verse 5 about shadows. What God gave to Moses was just a shadow of the reality in heaven. True forgiveness of sins could only take place by a perfect High Priest in the reality of heaven.
Jesus left heaven to come and as our High Priest offer the only true sacrifice that would forgive sins, Himself. He then arose from the dead and now works for us in the heaven. Jesus brought to us reality and so shadows must pass away.
Tell you children to imagine that they are lost in a large supermarket. They don’t know where mom and dad are. Fear sets in and they start to scream for help. They need someone to find them to save them. They look to the end of the isle and there is a shadow of Mom pushing the shopping buggy.
Ask them how they would feel at this point.
But won’t you feel so much better when you see the reality.
This Christmas, thank Jesus for bringing to us the reality of forgiveness and salvation. Now because of His sacrifice for us, we can live forever with each other and with God.
(End with prayer)
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